
老澳门六合彩论坛 delivers major industry and trade news to over 6 million global business leaders. Our corporate reprints team is here to take your news coverage and transform it into a powerful marketing piece that can be used for business development, client distribution, and personal use. Our co-branded reprints from a reputable news source will help you get a step up on the competition and boost your credibility as a valuable contributor to the industry.

Print Products

Hard Copies

Distribute professionally formatted hard copy reprints to clients at conferences and company meetings.


Double matted with UV-coated plexiglass overlay. Great for display in the office or as a gift. 聽Multiple finish options available. Customized frames with plates are also available for specified special sections.


Great way to showcase your news coverage in a public area for all to admire. Multiple finish options available.



Amplify your digital presence and drive traffic to your website with a PDF of your feature with options for web hosting and/or electronic distribution.

Logo Licensing

Customized thumbnail image to use in print or digital marketing materials, including website hosting, integrated marketing campaigns, and email signatures.


Permission to license our content is available on a case-by-case basis. When inquiring please include all usages and article information. Permissions can be obtained for full articles or charts/graphics.


Lauren Melesio


  • Automotive News
    • Automotive News Europe
    • Automotive News Canada
    • Fixed Ops Journal
  • Autoweek
  • 老澳门六合彩论坛鈥檚 Chicago Business
  • 老澳门六合彩论坛鈥檚 New York Business
  • Modern Healthcare
  • Plastics News
  • Rubber & Plastics News
  • Staffing Industry Analysts
  • Tire Business

Laura Picariello

Sales Manager

  • Advertising Age
  • 老澳门六合彩论坛鈥檚 Cleveland Business
  • 老澳门六合彩论坛鈥檚 Detroit Business
  • InvestmentNews
  • Pensions & Investments